International and multicultural business
Any time MagicWorks holds meetings with the top management of an international company to prepare a workshop, "culture" is an issue. Though company headquarters may be in Europe, subsidiaries, employees, suppliers and customers are all over the world. Perhaps that can be ignored for a while, but in the long term every company has to deal with multicultural, international challenges. This is why we almost always have at least one module during our workshops addressing this topic.
Europe is very diverse, and this holds all the more true for Asia. There is no "one Asia" - the region is made up of dozens of countries, each with their own history, culture, business and political situation. Nevertheless, many companies appoint one "Head of Asia-Pacific" or set up a regional head office in Singapore, Shanghai or Hong Kong that has to cover this multicultural and very diverse part of the globe.
In addition to the cultural issues, this part of the world is changing extremely quickly. Things don't stay the same for long in today's globalized business environment: new markets arise to be tapped, products and branding need to be locally adapted. The most varied forms of cooperation between companies are the order of the day.
Why Singapore?
MagicWorks has been visiting Singapore and holding business meetings on a regular basis since early 2013 preparing to set up a local branch offering our customized workshops. Singapore is an international hub where east meets west, where people of many cultures live and work together peacefully and productively. Practically all of the world's significant companies have a presence within the compact city-state. We've been consistently impressed with the business-friendly environment and the receptiveness overall to new ideas.
In many of our meetings regional managers have expressed their interest in tools and methods to address the day-to-day challenges they experience dealing with cultural barriers.

What we offer
Although we sometimes run workshops just on the "soft" topics, it often makes more sense to embed issues like team integration, ways of working, leadership and company culture into a MagicWorkshop around "hard" topics that may be confronting your company: strategic planning, new markets, changed processes and structures.
With a local partner and a mobile kit for running events, MagicWorks is now able to quickly react to any Singapore or indeed southeast Asian request to conduct a MagicWorkshop.